Proluna is a company active in the East Algarve of Portugal. Proluna consists of two companies. One being a Real Estate company and one being a Property Management company. Proluna was founded in 2004 as a property management company. Since 2004 the company has evolved to a known and respected company within the East Algarve. By combining Real Estate and property management Proluna is able to provide a full service to (potential) property owners. So after buying a property through us we can also help you really settle in.

Proluna is a dynamic professional company which stands from expertise, quality and transparency.

Real Estate
Proluna Real Estate has a wide variety of properties all over the East Algarve. All our properties are listed on our website with a full description and plenty of photo’s. Proluna has next to our own portfolio access to the portfolio of fellow real estate agents. This makes that we can offer you 80% or more of all the properties for sale in the East Algarve. So if you can’t find the property you are looking for on our site, email us and we will find it for you.

Property Management
Proluna properties is our Property Management company which services over 140 villa’s and apartments. So if you are looking for a professional and dependable company which takes care of your property please contact us or take a look at our website . On these pages you can find all the services we can provide. But of course we can also meet your specific request!

Proluna Your property….. Our expertise